Hope Nowak

Forget this Place

"Forget this Place", an acrylic landscape painting by Hope Nowak


Artist: Hope Nowak

Medium: Acrylics on canvas

H x W: 24" x 30"

Category: Wall Art

Genre: Landscape

Framing Type: Canvas Wrapped   

Forget This Place is a painting of a trestle that is undergoing an active collapse by corrosion over time. Dwelling rather than mindfully accepting past experiences is the ultimate betrayal of the self.  Part of the "Thoughts of my Father" series.

Hope Nowak, Artist

Hope Nowak, Artist

Hope Nowak is a self taught artist and Cincinnati native. She gains inspiration from her emotional palette and utilizes it for expressive work. Her work currently focuses on tonalism and luminism, but ranges from abstract expressionism to tonalist landscapes. In a world of mass production, Hope's works serve as vehicles of introspection and solace, reminding us of the importance of authentic expression in a world inundated with noise.